Please note, when you cancel a booking, the customer will automatically receive a cancellation email.
To cancel a booking
- Login to your dashboard [companyname]
- There are two ways you access cancellations:
- Open the customer's account and scroll to the bottom where you will find bookings. In the action dropdown on each booking, you'll find the option to cancel
- Open the visual timetable, navigate to the event and click on view event. On the event detail page, you'll see everyone with bookings and you can navigate to find that one particular customer's boking
Please note, if a customer or a user in the backend makes a booking, everyone has 60 seconds grace period to cancel the booking. If cancelled within this grace period, the credit will always be given back. If cancelling after this grace period, then customers will be subject to the cancellation and refund rules that you've setup in general settings.
To View Cancelled Bookings
- Navigate to a customer's account or to the event they booked into
- If you look at all bookings, in the upper right hand corner you'll see a funnel where you can filter the bookings. Be default, all bookings will show active bookings (i.e. not cancelled). But within that funnel, you can change it to show you cancelled bookings only.
- If you change the filter, the bookings will now show you all cancelled bookings only.