If you want to transfer credits to another customer via the CodexFit dashboard, simply follow these steps:
- Login to your version of CodexFit
- Find the customer who has the credits you want to transfer
- Navigate to their profile and scroll down to the credits tab
- Tick the box next to any credit you want to transfer (select as many or as few as 1)
- Then in the action dropdown that appears, select transfer credits
- Start typing the name or email address of the customer you wish to transfer credits to and select the applicable customer
- Click submit and the credits will now be transferred
If you want to enable customers to transfer credits themselves (this will work if you've had CodexFit integrated on your website from 2022 onwards):
- Update your bundles to decide which bundle (when purchased) will allow customers to transfer the credits to other customers
- A customer can then go to the my account area on your website and click on the credits tab
- Under ususued credits, they can click the button to transfer an individual credit or tick the box next to each credit then transfer multiple
- They will need to provide an email address of the customer and agree to the terms
- Once the customer clicks submits, if the email address is valid, the credits will be immediately transferred to the customer.