We've been working on a large update across CodexFit. Here are some highlights with more details below:
- Easily add substitute instructors to classes and see this in the visual timetable as well as automatically notify substitutes of their upcoming events
- Collect SMS consent and sync that to Mailchimp, Klaviyo and Hubspot
- Launching V1 of our Hubspot integration
- Update/build your own registration and update forms for the my account area (available if you've had CodexFit integrated in your site from 2022 or later)
- Launching our integration with Stages Cloud so if you have Stages Cloud bikes, have metric data sent straight to customer accounts
- More easily bulk update what credits and plans are accepted
- Create pots of points, i.e. create a pot of points for customers to earn points for a particular challenge and then automatically award them when they've achieved their goal
More details
Points - you can now assign points a customer gets into pots. This will enable to do this like challenges so customers could earn a point per class they attended and when they hit a threshold, you could reward them. And you can setup different pots of points to setup different types of rewards.
To use this functionality, read more in our Automator handbook here which has been updated to include more detail in the action and conditions to build a points based system.
Customer can earn points whenever any event in the Automator is triggered. So you can earn a point if you attend a class, use a certain type of credit, refer someone, etc.
Bulk updating customer groups - customer groups are getting a lot more powerful because you can now add a comma separated list of email addresses to update the customer group or do the reverse to remove customers in bulk. Remember, customer groups are useful if you want to automatically add a voucher to someone's checkout, i.e. 15% off for corporate customers.
You can read more about using customer groups here.
Bulk update events with payroll or newly accepted credits/plans - Within the existing bulk update event properties action, we have added the ability to bulk update the payroll rate for events. Additionally, we have a whole new way to manage which credits and plans are accepted. So now if you forgot to add a single credit type or a plan, you can very quickly merge just small changes rather than starting all over.
See more here about how to use the new bulk update tools.
Instructor substitutions - you'll be able to designate an instructor change as a substitute which then shows up in your visual timetable in the backend and on the website (if you have had CodexFit integrated from 2022 or later).
To use instructor substitutions, read more here.
Automatically issue gift cards with the Automator - could be used as a reward for doing so many classes or using points above
Check out our Automator Handbook here and start to use this powerful piece of tech.
Improvements to user security with user logging - we now track all user logins to the backend and include whether they were successful and the IP address of the login. This also will automatically notify a user if a new device is used to log into their account or if a login was unsuccessful
Support of SMS consent and easier updates to registration forms - we now have a drag and drop registration and account area form builder so you can more easily customise or change what is asked at registration or later in the my account area. Plus, we will capture SMS consent which then can automatically be fed into Klaviyo or Mailchimp. All customers can make use of capturing SMS consent and syncing this to Mailchimp, Klaviyo or Hubspot and any customer who has had CodexFit integrated from 2022 can take advantage of the drag and drop form builder.
Read more here about how to the drag and drop form builder and if you want to enable SMS consent, please email support@codexfit.com
Launching a Hubspot integration - in our initial version, we sync opt in statuses (email and SMS) and the customer's name, email, phone. If you want to make use of the Hubspot integration, please request this from support@codexfit.com.
Minor update to the customer account in the CodexFit dashboard - the tabs at the bottom of a customer's accounts was growing so we've moved orders/payments/refunds below the existing table.
Ability to generate invoices - invoices comply with EU Vat directives and can be generated and sent to customers by viewing an order and selecting send invoice from the action dropdown in the upper right hand corner.
Read here about setting up details for invoices sent and how to send
Launching a Stages Cloud integration - used if you have the Stages Cloud connected version of the bike. If you're interested in enabling the integration, please email support@codexfit.com.
Improvements to instructor payroll - Instructor payroll allows you to setup rates and then assign a default rate per instructor but even override this on a per event basis. It will automatically calculate how to much to pay each instructor. The email sent is now a nicely formatted PDF that you can decide to send weekly or monthly (adjust whether you want this sent within configs and general settings).
Read more about using instructor payroll here.
Fixes to reports - there was an issue where customers details would not always show in reports which is fixed across all reports as well as the date filters working if you switch between reports.