Launching end of April 2023
Please note, the following article is applicable if your website was built in 2022 or later using version 3 of the CodexFit components. If you are not using version 3, you can still benefit from the email and SMS opt-in features covered below, though.
Remember to update both the data you capture on customer register and on customer update (explained in step 7 below).
Setting Up Registration
It's possible to build your own registration form or to modify an existing one. To do this, you will need to have permissions to edit configs which is usually only available to admin level or higher.
To create or update your registration form:
- Login to your dashboard [companyname]
- In the navigation on the left, scroll down to settings and expand system settings
- Then find the configs for customer register and click on the edit icon
- You'll then see a form builder
- We recommend to start by adding all of the mandatory fields (you can switch some mandatory fields off first by going back to configs, clicking on general settings and deciding whether you want to make things like DOB, phone number and username (for social chat on live/on-demand videos) optional.
- After you get done adding mandatory fields, decide what other data you may want to collect. We recommend gather as little as you can as this will help improve the number of visitors you convert to registration.
- After you finish setting up registration, remember to update customer update configs, too. The difference between these is that customer register is what you capture at the point of registration whereas customer update is what customers can update in their my account area. So you can opt to gather less at registration but more in the my account area later.
What data can you capture at registration or when a customer updates their my account area?
- Email (required)
- First name (required)
- Sur name (required)
- Password (required)
- Confirm password (required)
- DOB (optional)
- Telephone (optional)
- Username (optional)
- Checkbox field - this useful for capturing something like a health waiver consent
- Date field - to capture the date the customer selects
- Text field - this will show an input where you could ask something like address, postcode, city, etc
- Textarea - this is like a text field but provides more space to type so could include a "tell us more about your medical condition"
- Opt in - you will first need to setup which opt ins you require by navigating to configs and then editing opt ins. By default, we provide email and SMS (both of which will be automatically fed into Klaviyo or Mailchimp if you use those CRM tools). After you confirm you opt ins, then you can add them to your registration form.
- Select field - this will show a list of items and someone can select one of them. Sometimes useful if you want to ask for something like gender, shoe size, or where they heard about your brand.